Tony's Blog
Monday, January 10, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
rss feed day 3
I like how the driver was driving smoothly and then it turned into a disaster. It looked like he was going to park, but then he accelerated for some reason and broke down that door and rammed into someone's car. THis was funny because if the driver damaged a door, crashed into one car and scraped into two others. IF that were my car, then I wouldn't have been laughing, but this driver should be on the show Canada's Worst Driver or maybe it was America's Worst Driver.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
rss feed day 2
The title of this is catching the spoon fail. As you can see the child is trying to grab the spoon, but as he or she is trying to grab it, he or she is also moving her head. To me this is funny because he or she does not realize that they should keep their head still if trying to catch the spoon instead of moving it. To others, they may think it is cute, but I really don't think that's cute at all. The child is doing something without thinking, then again it can't really think for itself yet, so I think it's funny rather than cute. REACH FOR THE FACE BUT MISSES!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
RSS Feeds and ePortfolios

My topic didn't really have anything to read about except for the titles of the funny images. I chose this image because it was funny. The guys were just racing and all of a sudden one guy trips and falls and goes on to another guys' lane and it looks like he's trying to drag the other guy back. The main idea of this was if you screw up in hurdling, then try and take your neighbour's lane and drag him back and start cheating because you're not gonna win anyways. It was interesting because it made me laugh when I saw it and I'm sure it will make you laugh too.
Monday, January 3, 2011
e-portfolio assignment one reflection
In your own words answer the following questions, what is an ePortfolio?
An eportfolio to me is a electronic device or place where I ca share my achievements to others and reflect on how I think I did and what I can do to improve myself, so that in the future I will be more successful.
What can be included in your ePortfolio?
Things that can be included in my ePortfolio are things like my schoolwork like projects and assignment that I think I did well on and things like things I think I need to improve on. I will also need to include an example from each of the end statement and a artifact for each area. Other things that I will need to include is a table of contents, personal statement, a wordle, self reflection audio or video, a image that represents me and a link to my digital footprint.
List types of assignments you can include in your ePortfolio.
Some Assignments that may be included could be my projects from my communication class. Other types of assignments that I can include could be from other classes or things I have done in the past.
What are the five CBE Ends Statements?
1. Mega End
2. Academic Success
3. Citizenship
4. Personal development
5. Character
What are the other items that need to be included in your ePortfolio?
Others items that could be included in my ePortfolio could be things that I have done in the past year or at home.
What types of assignments have you included that you could use? List the theme each addresses.
I have included my assignments from my communication technology class. There are various assignments. A few of them are holidays things like a christmas baubles and other are just from my assignments. There is a small animation of a red ball and it just shows how it is animated and how it can change its shape.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I put most of my energy into the prezi and researching the three magic tricks that were simple and not too complicated. I did the best on my Prezi. No parts of my project were missing. I was successful because I used my class time wisely and what I did not finish I did some of it at home. It saved me time to study for my other classes and allowed me to learn to use my time more efficiently. During the time I was working on my project, I was able to learn a few magic tricks. But before I even try it to an audience I should practice it first. I have improved my knowledge a bit by learning this and once I can fully do these I can entertain people with it.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Opening Activity
The main idea of the chapter is about two families who hated another and killed off the other families members and friends. The supporting details were when the families were shooting and each others and constantly attacking each other and killing another like mad men. Other details that were given were the ambushes and gunshots and complaints and that a truce was not possible. I can relate this to my life. I have sometimes felt angry like them and have wanted to kill them but unlike them I have not killed any humans out of rage and anger.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Opening Activity
The main idea is about Louis Borgenichts and how he managed to earn money and raise his family of three. The supporting details were his wife and his two children. Also the aprons he sold was another supporting detail. I can't apply this to my life but I can explain it. My family use to run a business and we sold stuff and in return we got money. The money was used to feed and support our family members and some of it went to taxes and other things.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Opening Activity
The main idea is that opportunities will present themselves to geniuses and outliers as a certain place and at a certain time.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Opening activity
The main idea of the chapter is how rich families raise their children differently from families who are poorer. A supporting detail would be that rich families tell their children to speak up and demand what ever they want (spoiled child). And a poorer family would have their child grow up for themselves and only look after them and not really support them as they grow. This does not apply to my life because my family is about an average family and my parents reward us when we achieve something and takes care of us often. However, they also leave us to ourselves at times and we just work by ourselves.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Opening Activity
The main idea of the chapter is about two geniuses that struggled with how people thought of them. The supporting details were with Oppenheimer and Langan. Langan was poor and was declined of his scholarship in college so he dropped out and Oppenheimer was just stressed and hated how his tutor made him learn something he had hated very much. I don't know how I can apply this to my life. Geniuses have problems because normal people don't understand how they think. An example is a really hard math question. A genius may be able to figure it out in a few minutes and a normal person may take longer because they are thinking differently.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Opening Activity
People who have high intelligence and IQs are considered geniuses. But someone with"enough" skills/intelligence can be as qualified as the genius. They both have the possibility of doing the requirements for a task. However, the genius isn't better because he's brighter. There is only a comparison with the requirements and not how smart someone is what what they achieved in their life time. Our society runs with this ideal. It's like some one who wants to be a scientist. In high school they must get the requirements to become a scientist and it doesn't matter if you scored 100 or 95 if the requirement was 90 and above.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Opening Activity
The main idea of the chapter is that 10 000 is not the only reason to become successful. The supporting details that were given is that you also need luck and opportunities. An example would be Bill Gates. He had nine opportunities that allowed him to program and learn about computers. He spent most of his time working on it and then more opportunities presented them. This is a fact because some one who learns and goes to school may just turn out to be an ordinary person and not some multi-billionaire. There are only a few billionaires in our world. Normal people have just been given the opportunity to go to school for education and people like Bill Gates have been given plenty of opportunities that allowed him to master computer programming.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Opening Activity
The main idea of the chapter is about Bill Joy having the opportunity to learn and experience computer programming. The supporting details that were given were that Bill spent most of his time as the university of Michigan and programmed all he wanted for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This is a fact because it explains how he became that successful. Because he had the time at the university of Michigan and accomplished his ten-thousand hours of training to be successful at computer programming. It could also be an opinion because the story may be fake and the truth is covered up because Bill doesn't want to share his successes.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Outlier Day-3
What was the main idea of the chapter?
What supporting details were given?
What other ideas were offered? Is this fact or opinion or both?
How do you know?
What supporting details were given?
What other ideas were offered? Is this fact or opinion or both?
How do you know?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
1. My topic is about magic tricks using cards. There will be at least 3-5 tricks.
2. Magic, Trick, Cards, mysterious
3, 4, 5, 6. Super natural, magician, performance, magic trick, magical, black magic, necromancy, David Blaine, coin tricks, levitation, disappear, amaze, wonder, witch, wizard, god, satan, fortune telling, divination
2. Magic, Trick, Cards, mysterious
3, 4, 5, 6. Super natural, magician, performance, magic trick, magical, black magic, necromancy, David Blaine, coin tricks, levitation, disappear, amaze, wonder, witch, wizard, god, satan, fortune telling, divination
1. What kind of final product are you expected to present to the teacher?
A prezi on magic tricks.
2. Does it have to be a certain length, size, or duration of time?
Yes, we were given choices of our own and I decided to use a prezi.
3. What is the topic of the assignment
No, I decided this project on my own. There is no questions, viewpoints. These tricks are old, but they're fun.
Yes, she gave us time to think about what we wanted to do. There is no thesis statement. No the teacher didn't give us a general topic that we had to focus on in.
4. What is the due date for you final product?
Before I start, i have to finish the planning part of it.
It is due December 11th.
A prezi on magic tricks.
2. Does it have to be a certain length, size, or duration of time?
Yes, we were given choices of our own and I decided to use a prezi.
3. What is the topic of the assignment
No, I decided this project on my own. There is no questions, viewpoints. These tricks are old, but they're fun.
Yes, she gave us time to think about what we wanted to do. There is no thesis statement. No the teacher didn't give us a general topic that we had to focus on in.
4. What is the due date for you final product?
Before I start, i have to finish the planning part of it.
It is due December 11th.
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Pitch
1. What do you want to do?
I want to work on magic tricks with cards
2. Who do you want to do it with?
Any one
3. Why does it meet an ends statement objective?
Because I am trying something to improve myself at entertainment.
4. How does it suit the curriculum of this class?
We can work on anything we want, so I guess it suits the curriculum.
5. How can you put it on your blog?
As a powerpoint on google doc or instructions on a website.
I want to work on magic tricks with cards
2. Who do you want to do it with?
Any one
3. Why does it meet an ends statement objective?
Because I am trying something to improve myself at entertainment.
4. How does it suit the curriculum of this class?
We can work on anything we want, so I guess it suits the curriculum.
5. How can you put it on your blog?
As a powerpoint on google doc or instructions on a website.
Outlier Activity
What was the main idea of the chapter? What supporting details were given? What other ideas were offered? Is this fact or opinion or both? How do you know?
The main idea of the chapter is about people dying of heart disease. The rate of death of Roseto was compared to the U.S. and it was half.
The supporting details that were given were the people's medical history and they showed that people of Roseto mostly just died of old age.
Other ideas that were offered is that Wolf is an outlier.
This is a fact because people in the U.S. don't eat healthy and they don't usually die from old age. They die from heart attacks and diseases.
I know because Americans have the largest obesity rate in the world.
The main idea of the chapter is about people dying of heart disease. The rate of death of Roseto was compared to the U.S. and it was half.
The supporting details that were given were the people's medical history and they showed that people of Roseto mostly just died of old age.
Other ideas that were offered is that Wolf is an outlier.
This is a fact because people in the U.S. don't eat healthy and they don't usually die from old age. They die from heart attacks and diseases.
I know because Americans have the largest obesity rate in the world.
Opening Activity
I think this book is about the story of success of famous people around the world. It probably tells their story of how they worked their way up to now and how they succeeded while others failed. The inquiry projects that the book is focused on is to be successful. We are focusing on deepening our understanding of the psychological success because we would like to be successful like them too one day. And we will start by reading long boring book.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Essential Reflection Questions
I don't know which subject we are talking about ( subjects in innovative technology ) but I guess I'm most nervous about science. We have been learning vocabularies and they just keep on piling up. We also had to learn the functions of the what the parts in leaves did. Then we have a test next week on what we learnt and after that there's a project. The pressure just keeps on building.
I think my passions and skills will help me accomplish my dream jobs goals because I like to do things that only interest me. I don't like doing things that I get irritated with. For example I wanted to become an engineer, but instead I had to become a bus driver, or a janitor. I would really hate cleaning after the bus and washrooms. And if I didn't have the skills to become what I wanted, then I would do my best to gain that skill
I think I will be accomplishing my dream job by working really hard at school for now, After I graduate, I plan to head to a university or college that would help me accomplish my dream job. As of now, I don't know what I want to be, but I am getting started and am thinking really hard about it. That's why I'm trying to get as much education as I can, before I graduate, so doors are open to me when I leave high school.
I do feel like I have plan to work with. Stick to school for now and try too score really high. Also, try not to get kicked or dropped from any honours classes or I would have to take longer to graduate from university. And anything that I don't understand, I must review it over a hundred times if I have to make sure that I understand it fully.
I do feel like I need different classes because I want to graduate from school as soon as I can. So for the first semester, I would want all my main cores classes which are math, science, english and social. And for the second semester, I would want chemistry-20, physics-20, biology-20 and phys-ed. Then for next year, I would have chemistry-30, physics-30, biology-30, english 20-1, and for the second semester I would like social 20-1, phy-ed 20, and if possible social and english 30-1 or honours, so that in total I would have 80 credits for the first two years and I just need to pick 4 comp classes and stay for half of the grade 12 semester and come back when it's time to graduate.
I think my passions and skills will help me accomplish my dream jobs goals because I like to do things that only interest me. I don't like doing things that I get irritated with. For example I wanted to become an engineer, but instead I had to become a bus driver, or a janitor. I would really hate cleaning after the bus and washrooms. And if I didn't have the skills to become what I wanted, then I would do my best to gain that skill
I think I will be accomplishing my dream job by working really hard at school for now, After I graduate, I plan to head to a university or college that would help me accomplish my dream job. As of now, I don't know what I want to be, but I am getting started and am thinking really hard about it. That's why I'm trying to get as much education as I can, before I graduate, so doors are open to me when I leave high school.
I do feel like I have plan to work with. Stick to school for now and try too score really high. Also, try not to get kicked or dropped from any honours classes or I would have to take longer to graduate from university. And anything that I don't understand, I must review it over a hundred times if I have to make sure that I understand it fully.
I do feel like I need different classes because I want to graduate from school as soon as I can. So for the first semester, I would want all my main cores classes which are math, science, english and social. And for the second semester, I would want chemistry-20, physics-20, biology-20 and phys-ed. Then for next year, I would have chemistry-30, physics-30, biology-30, english 20-1, and for the second semester I would like social 20-1, phy-ed 20, and if possible social and english 30-1 or honours, so that in total I would have 80 credits for the first two years and I just need to pick 4 comp classes and stay for half of the grade 12 semester and come back when it's time to graduate.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Opening Activity
In my opinion, the definition of bullying to me is when some one is being picked on. Like say a kid is picking his nose ( which is disgusting) and people are laughing at him and saying things about him. Bullying is as simple as looking at some one and thinking badly of them. The difference between bullying and being angry is that bullying is making fun of someone intentionally and being angry at some one is that you hate them for what they did.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Conference Response
I learned that people are now planning to use textbooks online. This is a great idea for the students and would benefit them greatly. Students must pay for an entrance fee to their post secondary and then they must pay again for their textbooks for their courses. Some families may have financial issues and may not be able to pay the fee, however, by putting the information online in an era where technologies are used the most is an excellent idea. They can get can all the information they need without paying for it. But will this affect universities and colleges around the world? In my opinion, no it will not and this is a great opportunity for helping students with their post secondary. I also think that it is boring listening to a professor talk and explain the details. However, there are some people who learn differently and may want to learn their information from the professors. Some students will only understand it, if there is some one explaining it to them and talking them through it. It would be best to test it out first with a group of students and then if it is successful it should be used in universities around the world.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Conference Discussion
This conference is about helping students in our schools eat better and how we can help them learn better. I haven't heard about some of these topics such as how students are willing to farm food and then eat and serve it. This is new to me and I thought it was quite interesting. But there will be issues involving this. Like schools will have to find an area to farm and where will they farm when it snows. Also some students bring their own food at lunch while others buys theirs at the cafeteria or at a near by local food store. Students will have to adapt and change the way they start eating. For this to be possible, the school will either have to buy the students food to eat at lunch or have the students pay a certain amount for what they farm and it will be their responsibility to look after their food. Some questions that may arises will be: Will the food be organic? How much will it cost to farm the student's food? Can all schools afford the time and money to do this project? However, I believe it is best if we ask students themselves if they would agree to this idea instead of just going ahead with the plan.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Opening Activity
No, I didn't find any CTS activities when I was doing my alphabet soup activity. However, I did like an option that I have been waiting for. It doesn't really suit my personality or learning style. I just like it because it's fun. The option is phys-ed. I only like it because I don't have to do any thinking work. The only work that is required is your physical ability. I would have to have it in all my semester, so I have a time to relax or to relieve all my stress that the other school works adds on me.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Underwater Hotel restaurant
It reminds me of me swimming at a pool a couple of years back. I was under the water and I opened my eyes. It was hard to see and it stung for a bit when I resurfaced, but it kinda looked like the image.
Why are there marine life near the glass? If a large animal like a whale or shark were to come by, wouldn't they break it?
The glass shows a reflection, but you can also see though it. The chairs are all black, with a long back rest. The floors are wooden hardware which looks connected by stripes of wood. At each table there are enough plates, cups, forks, spoons and knives for two. Light from the surface shines through the top and fishes encircle around at the top of the semi-circled tube. The door has been decorated as the bottom of the ocean.
This looks like the imagination of someone who wanted to eat underwater.
Why are there marine life near the glass? If a large animal like a whale or shark were to come by, wouldn't they break it?
The glass shows a reflection, but you can also see though it. The chairs are all black, with a long back rest. The floors are wooden hardware which looks connected by stripes of wood. At each table there are enough plates, cups, forks, spoons and knives for two. Light from the surface shines through the top and fishes encircle around at the top of the semi-circled tube. The door has been decorated as the bottom of the ocean.
This looks like the imagination of someone who wanted to eat underwater.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Opening Activity
It means Unknown, Tired, Serious,
It is the number 100,
It is like the leaves on tree branches,
It is Fun,
It is the memory of Myself,
Who taught me Respect and Determination,
When he Did what he wanted,
My name is Tony,
It means Life is not equal...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
opening activity
If I were creating a photo essay titled a day in the life of forest lawn learners I would find a Calgary Transit such as the bus. The image would be a wide shot of the bus, so that the whole image is shown and not just the front or something. The second image that I would take is the lockers in our school. I would take the image from a point of view shot because it will show the lockers on the right or left side while the person is walking through. The third picture I would take is a classroom. The shot would be a wide shot because it will include the students and the learning environment they are in. It will display students learning and focusing on their topic. The fourth image I would take is the lunch room at lunch. It would be a very wide shot of the lunch room because it is a large room and it would show everything from the front to the back of the room. The final image I would take is the doors at our school. It would represent home time and freedom.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
opening activity
I think that move in close, take some vertical pictures, lock the focus and watch the light would be the best tips. The other tips aren't that useful. Like get down to their level. We are already or close to the level, so there's on need for something like that. We are not going outdoors so we can't do flash outdoors. Adding things to the picture would be troublesome with these slow internet connection we have at school. However I think using a plain background is good because it's empty and all the main focus is on whatever is in the image. Moving in closer would be good too because if you didn't how can you catch the details. Locking the focus is important. Without focus the image may appear blurry or will look like some ghost or something and people won't be able to make out what the picture is. Watching the light is one of the most important tips because without enough light, the image would be a dark image and with too much light there will be all bright and either way you won't see anything.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Opening Activity
I am following three people on Twitter. One of the person I am learning from is kmunroe because she post stuff up there and tells us to do things. The other two people that I am following are KHGProductionz and kingdomhearts. The only person that is actually helping me learn is kmunroe because it it related to school work. Other than that I don't think I think these are helping me learn. I don't think Twitter can be a useful PLN because Twitter has people who says what ever comes on to their minds. They say things about sex, and just talk about their lives and reveal how old they are and swear like they have no tommorow. They also don't share anything useful. I have changed topics twice already because there are people who says dumb things and don't say anything relevant to my topic.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Monkey thing
The link to the monkey video I made. It's also on my twitter.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
(Essential Question)Opening Activity
If I wanted to make this year the best one of my life, the one attitude that I would change is how I look at people. People in the past have said that I always looked angry or depressed because of how I look. I just do my own things minding my own business, and people avoid me. The only people who don't avoid are people who I have known in the past. I like how they avoid me and stuff but I don't want to make a bad impression of myself. So, If I wanted to make this year the best one ever for me then I would start changing how I look
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
What I learned today.
Today, I have played on a website called I was able to improve my math skills and review over some math equations that I had become slow at because I don't do those type of equations anymore. I learned that I can quickly regain a skill that I have learned in the past if I practice it, then I will be able to use it again. I also learned that playing on this website is a good way to refresh your skills on the basics of math. I also played this game where you try to get the ball into the hole. It's a puzzle game where you have to think and test. It was pretty interesting. Another game I played was a mini flash game on where I shot these things from the classic series Mario and Luigi. I learned that you must shoot the plants flying at you and not the plants randomly flying around. But in the end, most of these games didn't teach me much at all. All it did was review my math skills and gave me something to do. It was still interesting in the end though because we just had to play games instead of doing work.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Essential Question
I have learned a new magic trick but I don't think I can use it yet. It is worth learning because playing with magic is fun. It is funny to watch people's reaction to these type of things. You can either get "WOW HOW DID YOU DO THAT" or the "IT'S A STUPID TRICK." It's also cool, so you can show off to random people on the streets or surprise you friends. Magic have been around for a long time and it is fun to show it off to people and it is a great way to gather a crowd.
(Link is on the side of my blog)
(Link is on the side of my blog)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Concepts post
1. In your own word, what is a Personal Learning Network?
A personal learning network is a place online where people can share information on what they know to other people and can recieve information from other people as well. It's mostly based on opinions of people instead of facts.
2. Why do people create Personal Learning Networks?
I think people create personal learning network because they want to share what they know with other people and learn from them too.
A personal learning network is a place online where people can share information on what they know to other people and can recieve information from other people as well. It's mostly based on opinions of people instead of facts.
2. Why do people create Personal Learning Networks?
I think people create personal learning network because they want to share what they know with other people and learn from them too.
Essential Question
I dont' have a favourite song because I do not listen to music. However I think music does reflect our personality because we do do things that we like to do. Like if we're cool and all then people would most likely listen to rap music or pop. And people who likes to party would listen to heavy rock or just normal rock music. And gentle quiet people will listen to calm music. Then again this is all stereotypes and I have no evidence to base this on.
Friday, October 8, 2010
What I learned today
I learned to interact with my classmates in a fun way. We got to play games instead of knowing each other by introducing our names with a project. We played splat and many people got killed instantly. We also played beaver tail and park bench. Shakeel is an all time champion on that game. I have been in his drama class before and he nevered even craked a smile at that game. We also played atom which made us move around alot. And the final thing I learned was some new drama games. Examples are beaver tail, the hand squeeze thing and the atom.
Essential Question
I think that for our next essential question we should either continue to do the essential questions that we are doing right now or do something like a warm up. For example playing games in the back room for like 10 minutes or how long it takes to do an essential question. Many people are going to be annoyed or forget their accounts on all these websites that we use and so I don't think twitter is not a good idea. Personally I don't like having too many accounts for anything. Or we could just go straight to work on our projects and stuff if we're behind instead of doing essential questions.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Essential Question
No I don't think I could've invented a better plan to address the problem because I don't really know how to invent a better plan. I just go with the flow and I just worked on the project as instructed. A better ending to my story would be making my poster better. A better message to the next generation would be that even though oil sands pollute the environment, they are still good. A better rule or law to address the problem would to have it broadcast on t.v. everyday telling people the pros and cons and have the people decide.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Essential Question
I think some people can handle using the internet without losing their sense of self because they are use to it. Like me, a couple of years ago, every day all day when I got home from school or shopping or done with anything I would go on the internet and play online games. I mostly played a third person shooter game where I can kill people and move quickly as I want. I don't know why but I also knew when to stop playing the game like when it's time to sleep or eat. I guess I just have more control over the game then it does over me. I was addicted to it and played everyday but I was able to control myself from playing too much. I think mostly think that I was able to control myself because I had a life and not a life on the internet. I had to do other things as well like my homework and get some rest, so I couldn't play all day or I would have got in trouble. But I guess all the other people probably have the same reason as I and that's why they can control themselves.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Essential Question
If I were to choose a side I would go with totally with technology because technology is what revolutionized our era and started a better life for humans and possibly animals. People are now able to work more efficiently with more technology. People have been living in the past for many years but the life they had were more harsh. They had to start a fire out of a flint stone and steel to heat their homes in the past but now a days we have something called a furnace. It heats our home for us without scraping steel against a piece of stone. We would also have to dry our clothes in the sun or something like they did in the past, but now with advanced technology we have a washer and a dryer to wash and dry our clothes. The technology was created to ease our life, so it's a good things that we are able to live in this time with technology. Also, one of the most impressive invention was the television, it entertains and educates us. In the past we had to think of something ourselves and play with it or make something.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Essential Question
Censorship benefits only a little in society. It can help block some bad things that are on the internet that little children may look at such as porn, or other inappropriate websites. It benefits schools the most, because schools can block certain websites and not allow children to access it unless they can over ride it somehow. Censoring things will not allow it to be see or known to every one and some people like them because they block unnecessary objects or images from being shown to other people some may be to young to see certain things. In T.V.s some shows have censored swearing with a beep and cover it with a black box or they pixelize it to make it hard to see. So censoring things will benefit only little children too young to see certain things and to people who do not want to see such filth or their child seeing such things that may affect them later on. Little children learn mostly from seeing things and later they may choose to copy it. So if they heard someone say the f word on t.v. then the chances of them saying it at school and getting into trouble is very high. Censorship is a good thing, but I guess only some people would like to have it because they either have a different perspective than me or they just like things not to be censored and blocked where anyone can see what's what.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Essential Question
I have learned how to make a chart and record data on it on igoogle. Another class I have that uses and manages computers is communication technology which is just across the hall on the left after I leave this room. There we use computers to make stuff and learn a lot of stuff. Any ways another class I thought of that can be used is math class. In case I need to make a chart of some kind, I can make it in my igoogle account and use any type of chart I want to present the data. There aren't many other classes I can think of that includes the things I have learned.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Essential Question
If I were in charge of education, I would use my methods to ensure that all students had equal access to computers. First I would create a rule. The rule will be all classes or all students must have a class that includes computers in some ways. That way it will be guaranteed that all students have equal amount of time on the computers. The computers will be open to everyone and no websites will be blocked, so that will make them more want to go on it. They can download music, games, watch clips on youtube or what ever they want to do with it. However, if they are caught watching or doing inappropriate things like watching porn or on a porn website then they will be severely punished until they cry. Then I will be laughing that them in my office and think about how stupid they are to watch porn on the school's computers. However, they can play games and stuff, and eventually all students would want to use the computers to play games or go on facebook or something.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Essential Question
Yes, I have witnessed people doing something inappropriate online. It was during an online game I was playing on the internet. These people were arguing on something and eventually it lead to swearing and trash talking and they were just continuing and continuing to insult and offend each other. Then it lead to cyber bullying but no one was the defenceless victim. They were both the bully and they tried to make the other stop and cry. I only read what they typed and ignored them while I continued to play my game. I did not report it to the game administrator because there is always an argue in every game room I enter. If i just reported each and everyone I would be a loser who reports people for saying their thoughts. I couldn't have stopped it because if I tried then I too would be involved in their conflict because they would tell me to shut up and I would be no and it would begin with all three of us swearing and letting our anger loose. I have only tried to keep myself quiet and try to play the game while I ignore the other people unless they say something to me.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Essential Question
To be a good citizen is obey society's law. People who break the law and does illegal stuff are known as criminals and are not good examples of a good citizen. Good citizens are also people who are known and recognized as a leader or for some thing good they did. Or they can also just be normal people like the rest of us are. How ever there are times when citizens have to break the law in order to live or because of a major problem. So following the law doesn't always, but mostly make them a good citizen. Like a person who has no money or home. They can not find a proper job, so they steal from people. They have no choice to but steal because if they don't get any money to buy food, then they will starve off and die. Or they would have another indecent job. Prostitution. Many women are becoming prostitutes to live. They do this to live. They have nothing else to do with their life. If they didn't try prostitution then they would earn no money and it's very unlikely that any of them have a resume to carry around with them to look for jobs because most resumes are printed out on paper and not written with a pencil on a crumpled piece of paper. They are citizens too, but they do indecent things to survive. So I don't really know what makes a good citizen good. Do they have to be rich? Poor? Dumb? Smart? Helpful? Unhelpful? I leave that to all the people of the world to answer.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Essential Question
How do you know if something online is true or not?
You will know when something online is true or not depending if you used it before. Or someone else recommends it. Like a website saying that computers are bad for us. Once we read it, we will wonder if it's really true or just a fake post. They also might think "Ha the irony in that website" because they are using the computers and they are telling people that they are bad for us. Any ways, people will begin to wonder after they read what's online. Most facts on the internet is true but people will sometimes put fake facts. An example is wikipedia. Since it can be edited by random people, they could just put in some thing that might get people angry. In my opinion you can tell if something is true or not depending on what people say. IF someone recommends it, then it's legit and it's probably a good and honest site. But if there is some random site that you just found and isn't that popular or no one recommends it then there's a high probability that it's just a website that some loser had to make to pass his time.
You will know when something online is true or not depending if you used it before. Or someone else recommends it. Like a website saying that computers are bad for us. Once we read it, we will wonder if it's really true or just a fake post. They also might think "Ha the irony in that website" because they are using the computers and they are telling people that they are bad for us. Any ways, people will begin to wonder after they read what's online. Most facts on the internet is true but people will sometimes put fake facts. An example is wikipedia. Since it can be edited by random people, they could just put in some thing that might get people angry. In my opinion you can tell if something is true or not depending on what people say. IF someone recommends it, then it's legit and it's probably a good and honest site. But if there is some random site that you just found and isn't that popular or no one recommends it then there's a high probability that it's just a website that some loser had to make to pass his time.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Essential Question
Yes, there is a need for online relationship for learning because just about everything these days is online with the internet. Our school has this online website to check our marks, look at the assignments we missed and at the assignments we were supposed to do. It also has this thing called a pager where people can page each other and letting know what they need to do or ask for help. It's kind of like an instant chatting program like MSN but it's not. We can learn more today online because everyone uses the net these days. People don't walk like a couple of blocks to their friends house and ask them how to do a question. It saves people time and they can communicate with others on the internet.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Discussion Questions
1. I am interested in the topic of Alberta's oil sands.
2. Everyone in the country should care.
3. I should care because I am a citizen that lives in Alberta where the oil sand are started.
4. No I can not make someone care, but I can try.
5. The benefit of doing this project online is that everyone ca see it and it's not limited like the school.
2. Everyone in the country should care.
3. I should care because I am a citizen that lives in Alberta where the oil sand are started.
4. No I can not make someone care, but I can try.
5. The benefit of doing this project online is that everyone ca see it and it's not limited like the school.
Essential question
In my opinion, computers give us both more and less human connection. First, we get more human connection by enabling us to talk online with our friends and receiving messages from them back. Like when you want a friend to play an online game with you. You go onto the internet or by instant chatting like MSN or Facebook and talk to them. And the internet also gives us less human connection because we are not physically talking to someone. It might make a person not want to go out to socialize with others and if that happens then the person will have a harder time finding jobs and talking to people. Also the person will only stay on the internet to talk to people and that will pretty much become their life and it's weird to have a 40-year old guy or woman on the internet all day because they won't choose to come out in the world to socialize with others.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ends Statement Character
I am going to work towards the Character end statement because I want to do what's right and do as I want to help our community. The things I am already doing is helping my smaller siblings with their homework, let old citizens sit on the bus, sometimes pick someone's trash and put it in the garbage and help out classmates if they need help with their homework.
Essential Question
I believe teachers should not encourage multi tasking because students will get distracted and since their brain is still developing, they won't be able to do many things at once. An excellent example is when the students grow up to be adults and learn to drive. When they start to drive, they could be texting on their iphones or looking at the GPS. When they do that, they have to look at the device and drive all at once. It would be a good thing if they could do that, but they are still endangering themselves and the people around them. People would want to finish many things at once rather than doing it one by one these days because people are more impatient. If they do that, they could crash into someone or something and ending up either killing someone or hurting them. That's why now it is illegal in some places to be texting or talking on the phone when driving. So teachers shouldn't encourage them to do it because they haven't had a crash yet. The risks of them getting one could be when they drive home or tomorrow.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Digital Citizenship day 4 essential question
1. No swearing
2. No cyber sex
3. No inappropriate surfing
4. Do not download things that you do not know
5. No cyber bullying
6. Do not accept an online predator's invitation to meet or give info (If cyber sex doesn't work)
2. No cyber sex
3. No inappropriate surfing
4. Do not download things that you do not know
5. No cyber bullying
6. Do not accept an online predator's invitation to meet or give info (If cyber sex doesn't work)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Digital Citizenship Day 3
Keyboard, Cd, monitor, mouse, wires, router, online, website, url, hardware, virus, spyware, firewall, pixel, mega multi-pixels, programs, file, folders, application, copy, paste, edit, online, education, images, information, ID, password, plug, error, crash, bug, buttons, scrolling, games, fan printer, connect, internet, online predator, prey
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Digital Citizenship Day 2
No, I do not have an electronic device, but if I did I could keep notes on my device in class if they are allowed. Something that may be erased on the board could be stored in an electronic device by just taking a quick picture of it. Then later, if you don't understand it, you could look at the picture you took and see if it made sense. Your friends could also text you about the assignments and other things if you missed a day of school because you were sick. Also, it's better because when you come to school the next day, you would have caught up in everything and could continue with your work without trying to find out what you missed and not understand the things that are being taught today.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
How much of My life is a digital life?
MY life is about 60% digital because ever since I was born, I have been growing up with computers and digital games. At a young age, I have already started to use computers. I have been using games for entertainment like playing online games, but as I started to grow more, I had to use it for another purpose besides games. I started using it for school at around grade six for power points and word and later I was in a computer class where I started to learn more about using computers and the programs on them. Now, I have been using computers for games, studying, projects and watching some videos on youtube. Also I have been planning to get a PS3 or a PSP because my cousin keeps telling me to get one. So, I think in the future, my digital life would probably increase to about 80% or more because just about everything we do now a days revolves around digital things.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Essential Question
I am able to create relationships online with friends and teachers by asking them for help if I really need it and I can help them in return. Like if I missed a day of school because I was sick, then I could go online and ask them what I missed and what I can do to make up for it. They too can do the same. Also sometimes friends can't come over to meet you, so showing how to do a question online is better than just talking about it because some people learn by doing things themselves rather than just visually looking at it.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
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