Monday, January 10, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
rss feed day 3
I like how the driver was driving smoothly and then it turned into a disaster. It looked like he was going to park, but then he accelerated for some reason and broke down that door and rammed into someone's car. THis was funny because if the driver damaged a door, crashed into one car and scraped into two others. IF that were my car, then I wouldn't have been laughing, but this driver should be on the show Canada's Worst Driver or maybe it was America's Worst Driver.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
rss feed day 2
The title of this is catching the spoon fail. As you can see the child is trying to grab the spoon, but as he or she is trying to grab it, he or she is also moving her head. To me this is funny because he or she does not realize that they should keep their head still if trying to catch the spoon instead of moving it. To others, they may think it is cute, but I really don't think that's cute at all. The child is doing something without thinking, then again it can't really think for itself yet, so I think it's funny rather than cute. REACH FOR THE FACE BUT MISSES!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
RSS Feeds and ePortfolios

My topic didn't really have anything to read about except for the titles of the funny images. I chose this image because it was funny. The guys were just racing and all of a sudden one guy trips and falls and goes on to another guys' lane and it looks like he's trying to drag the other guy back. The main idea of this was if you screw up in hurdling, then try and take your neighbour's lane and drag him back and start cheating because you're not gonna win anyways. It was interesting because it made me laugh when I saw it and I'm sure it will make you laugh too.
Monday, January 3, 2011
e-portfolio assignment one reflection
In your own words answer the following questions, what is an ePortfolio?
An eportfolio to me is a electronic device or place where I ca share my achievements to others and reflect on how I think I did and what I can do to improve myself, so that in the future I will be more successful.
What can be included in your ePortfolio?
Things that can be included in my ePortfolio are things like my schoolwork like projects and assignment that I think I did well on and things like things I think I need to improve on. I will also need to include an example from each of the end statement and a artifact for each area. Other things that I will need to include is a table of contents, personal statement, a wordle, self reflection audio or video, a image that represents me and a link to my digital footprint.
List types of assignments you can include in your ePortfolio.
Some Assignments that may be included could be my projects from my communication class. Other types of assignments that I can include could be from other classes or things I have done in the past.
What are the five CBE Ends Statements?
1. Mega End
2. Academic Success
3. Citizenship
4. Personal development
5. Character
What are the other items that need to be included in your ePortfolio?
Others items that could be included in my ePortfolio could be things that I have done in the past year or at home.
What types of assignments have you included that you could use? List the theme each addresses.
I have included my assignments from my communication technology class. There are various assignments. A few of them are holidays things like a christmas baubles and other are just from my assignments. There is a small animation of a red ball and it just shows how it is animated and how it can change its shape.
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