Oil Sand Poster

Friday, September 17, 2010

Essential Question

I believe teachers should not encourage multi tasking because students will get distracted and since their brain is still developing, they won't be able to do many things at once. An excellent example is when the students grow up to be adults and learn to drive. When they start to drive, they could be texting on their iphones or looking at the GPS. When they do that, they have to look at the device and drive all at once. It would be a good thing if they could do that, but they are still endangering themselves and the people around them. People would want to finish many things at once rather than doing it one by one these days because people are more impatient. If they do that, they could crash into someone or something and ending up either killing someone or hurting them. That's why now it is illegal in some places to be texting or talking on the phone when driving. So teachers shouldn't encourage them to do it because they haven't had a crash yet. The risks of them getting one could be when they drive home or tomorrow.

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