Oil Sand Poster

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How much of My life is a digital life?

MY life is about 60% digital because ever since I was born, I have been growing up with computers and digital games. At a young age, I have already started to use computers. I have been using games for entertainment like playing online games, but as I started to grow more, I had to use it for another purpose besides games. I started using it for school at around grade six for power points and word and later I was in a computer class where I started to learn more about using computers and the programs on them. Now, I have been using computers for games, studying, projects and watching some videos on youtube. Also I have been planning to get a PS3 or a PSP because my cousin keeps telling me to get one. So, I think in the future, my digital life would probably increase to about 80% or more because just about everything we do now a days revolves around digital things.

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